Tuesday, July 5, 2011



Gamifying Education

Gamification is the concept of using the ideas behind games and applying them to other things in life like work and school. The above videos are from a series of Vodcast's (video podcasts) are about video game development, the theory behind it and how to make it better. These three videos are the only ones that really have anything to do with education and teaching , however they cover some interesting concepts about how to make work a bit more like play.

Hopefully you'll enjoy them and to anyone with an interest in games try out the series it's quite informative and well done.


  1. A great idea for teaching some of our more challenging students me thinks.

  2. Thanks Tom

    These videos are very useful. I shall be forwarding the links to other teachers.

  3. Thank you for introducing me to some new terms - gamification and vodcast. The video the escapist is vey watchable.

  4. getting children to enjoy learning and to stick at it is important - games can be a good way to help engage them - but not instead of traditional learning -just one of the ways used

  5. I thougth the videos were really good. It was interesting how it gaming and education can be mixed together. I can see that it would be very useful
